Everyone was getting a bit stir crazy in CT, what with the snow and the cold and the ice and the cold and all, so it was a good thing we flew down for some R&R in the Caribbean.
Here's our conveyance; DHV rode Britney-Spears style for a week!

DHV took great delight in destroying any organized sand structure.

DHV also took great delight in sand.

A long day in the sun deserves an icy tropical drink.

Frozen drinks also go well with red sauce; everyone should wear their bib cape-style when drinking midday.

All that sun makes a boy tired; here's DHV's second nap ever with Dad.

DHV did not enjoy this "burrito" ride.

Lots of scary golfers from the Deep South were lurking about in ambuscade, so DHV learned how to hold hands.

A nice woman gave DHV a balloon at breakfast.

Dancing with Mommy to the mariachi band.

Examining the pool.

Catching up on some light reading.
