Friday, September 30, 2011


It's important to get a good workout in before the school bus shows up. After some racing, we worked on our balance beam.Hanako likes being outside.Meanwhile, the addition is clad in rigid insulation.The old stairs are out,while the hole for new stairs is in.

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Meryl Streep

My favorite actress is in town! Traffic is snarled like there's a Hollywood star in a small town! I can't wait to see if this movie is as good as Adaptation or The Hours.
Meanwhile, we played in the driveway.I slam the rocks!Yeah.If not for snot, these would be keepers.Here's my favorite. I've been reading about photography, check out that depth of field!

Monday, September 26, 2011

Clown car

Leave it to these fools to test out the max load limit on the cozy coupe.
She who perseveres will get the prize.Her new favorite perspective.

Saturday, September 24, 2011

More Demo

We wheeled the whole family to check out the old house.
No kitchen!
Downstairs.After-dinner rainbow.

Friday, September 23, 2011

Demolition Man

When it rains here, the framers move into the old house and get on with the demolition. It's been raining for 3 days so they've made quite a bit of progress.
The living room. That's our old bedroom past the studs, and that window way off in the distance is in our new bedroom. The new bathroom. The tub is going to go at the end, under that crotch-height window. More of the living room. DKV got a new lens to capture the renovation. Here's a photo from the same spot with the old lens.It's nice to be able to get the whole house in without trespassing on someone else's property.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Evening Shenanigans

It's starting to get cool here, so, while the mosquitoes are dying off, our daylight hours are diminishing. We got out after dinner last night to make the most of our beach house before winter strikes.
Good running weather.
Running, however, often leads to falling. Which leads to crying.Danny played with the neighbor's rocket launcher.Hanako showed off her favorite body part.And Leigh recovered.

The Addition

After we got power restored, the building process really picked up.
One day we were playing hide-and-seek around the foundation walls.
Then they backfilled.
And then they built a garage.
Close up from the southeast.
Behind the dumpster from the south.
Farther back from the southeast.
And then the second story went up.
Behind the dumpster from the south. Farther back from the southeast.
They work fast, but somewhere in Washington, DC, an OSHA bureaucrat is suffering agita.

Football Season!

September means the start of Eagles' season and the annual family photo.
Leigh wasn't so into it in the beginning.
Here she channels her inner teenager while flashing us the "loser" sign.Girls warming up on mama.
Baby wrangling!
Making the jersey look good.

Saturday, September 17, 2011


Lots of friends and family came to celebrate DHawk's birthday with us last weekend. The highlight of the party was the pinata, which DadKV rigged up with help from Counselor Pia.

Jack let Optimus have it.

Eddie got angry!

Ian did his best but was a little worn out after soccer practice.

The birthday boy gave it his all!

There were also Tranformers tattoos, applied by Dr. Daddy.

And Aunt Molly received a thorough balloon beating. This was accompanied by shouts of "we're gonna teach you a lesson!"

There was ice cream cake from Ashley's of course.

And lots of presents!

Leigh and Jerry had some in- depth discussions of dinosaurs.

And the babies took it all in.

See ya next time everyone!