Sunday, May 11, 2014

Hanako's birthday

 First, Mommy earned some money running this "auction."

 Only one entity bid, so it was not too exciting.
 Another baseball game in the afternoon.



 Daddy got a new lens, so we predict a sharp uptick in photography.

 Here's our new au pair, Tamara, watching her first baseball game.

 Rainy morning school bus.

April iii, Daddy's birthday

 Range time on my birthday.
Do not mess with this lady.

April ii, Leigh's birthday

 Cake in New Jersey!
 Cake in Brooklyn!

 Birthdays and Easter!
Looking at mommy's baby pictures.


April i

Finally, spring is here; we got outside a little.

"I'm Ariel, and you're Prince Eric."

Leonards in Town

Sometime in January, we got a Miller-Leonard visit. NYC Subway puzzle time!
 And massive pile-on.

Saturday, May 10, 2014


 We got a real treat and got sent to Disney by Make-a-Wish Connecticut.
  The girls looked like seasoned travelers.

 Give Kids the World Resort has a stocked fishing pond. Danny liked that.
 Mommy letting the world know about our trip.
First day, Sea World.
 Everyone likes a teacup. Except for Daddy.
 The carousel at Give Kids the World. We couldn't eat a meal without riding it.
 Halloween at Give Kids the World. Every day of the week is a different celebration.
 Morning wake up.
 Small World.
 The Tram.
Mommy and Danny are off getting lunch, girls clean the table.
 And study the map.
 I love those Florida humidity curls.
 Legoland, Stars Wars.
 Christmas at Give Kids the World.
 Universal Studios - straight to the front of that line for Despicable Me.
 Optimus Prime!
 Dr. Seuss land.
Mommy riding Dr. Doom's Fearfall all by herself.
 Last morning at Give Kids the World.
 Therapeutic horserides.

Marlboro Man.
 Marlboro Girls.
 Racing boats.
 And the life-size CandyLand playground.