Monday, March 31, 2008

Driver safety video

DHV is developing fast - out of necessity. We're going to need him to drive the twins to appointments and preschool soon.
No Danimals were harmed in the production of this educational video.

Like a dryer, but without the heat

Here's DHV showing off some advanced language skills as we try to get the wax out of his ears. No q-tips in this house!

Burping & Learning

This is a special shout out to father-to-be Eric Ricchetti.
It's amazing how developing children pick up language so quickly.

Sunday, March 16, 2008


We realize that we've been a bit remiss with the DHV documentation of late.
The question everyone seems to be asking is, "what are you doing on the Right Coast?"

SHV done gone and grown another baby(ies)!

SHV was definitely not this large at 20 weeks with DHV!