Saturday, October 29, 2011


With our roof up, now it is time for windows!It's hard to convey just how big they are.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011


Leigh rode the bus home for the first time yesterday. She did not enjoy it.
Today we went for a walk on the beach.It was windy.Celebrating.We found a spooky old house.And a big tree.

Monday, October 24, 2011

Hanging with the girls.
The roof is on.The house is ready for windows.
A not unusual dawn from our (rental) bedroom window.

Monday, October 10, 2011

Playing New York, Part 3

For our finale, we met up with the Bradfords.
Leigh passed the time with some swinging.
DHawk as Anakin Skywalker, pre-Darth Vader, holding a lightsaber.Cousins hang tough!Elsie gets low,looks up,and tries it, too.Uncle Arthur was there, cinematographing.Hanako clung.This tire swing has been clinically proven to harm young girls.Later, girls were tired.

Playing New York, Part 2

Here's Baby Alex. I don't remember her ever being awake during our visit, but here she is!
Big sister Kate, nee Baby Kate, now rules the roost.Danny found some balls.Kate shows Hanako how to chow. Leigh was not paying attention during this live demonstration.And the park was hot; ladies shelter.Danny worked up a sweat.
Leigh got sandy.

Playing New York, Part 1

We brought all the kids to the city. Our verbal one told us, "it smells here". We tried out a few of the playgrounds.
We were happy to meet Ethan.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Little House on the Prarie

Here's Leigh looking like Laura Ingalls Wilder, or one of those children from Big Love.
With a big head.
But these children get to stare vacantly at the TV.Like the Ingalls, we save hot water by bathing three-wide.
Don't worry Mom, just heading out with my friends!
Danny checking out the new garage.The termites were busy before we bought the house. This, we're told, is cosmetic.This is structurally unsound, but getting torn out, anyway.Strong like toilet paper!Our dining room is framed out. Before and afters.