Saturday, September 28, 2013

September Update

 Danny Hawkins turned 7; Lasertag!
Extreme candle-blowing.
 Hockey is back on. Saturday at 7am!
Danny getting ready to snipe in his first game; Grandpa Lee and Grandma Steffy had the early-morning duties and cousin Kaiya took the photos.
 Here's Leigh's former pre-school teacher stopping by the house to keep her academics up. Hanako likes to butt in, Danny too.
 And then Casey.

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Danny is Seven

Sometime during all this excitement we took a family trip to Cabelas to get Danny's birthday present.
Standing in the checkout line Susannah wondered, "How did I end up in Cabelas buying a bow for my son, who has a mohawk?"

C-Diff Cure

On Day 9, Leigh left the hospital.
On Day 10, she slept all day and sweated through her clothes. She had the c-diff diarrhea.
 So I did what any red-blooded 'Merican parent would do - I fixed her.

This is exactly what you think it is. Hanako's magic beans. The recipe only called for 2 grams per 500mL of sterile saline. I told Susannah, "I'm going heavy on the active ingedient." She replied, "How did I know you were going to do that?"
 The magic potion, after processing.
And Leigh never had diarrhea again. The End.


 While Leigh was in the hospital, these guys went back to school.
Danny was not an accommodating photography subject, but 'ole gap teeth hammed it up.

Hospital Boredom

The day after we got back from Vermont Leigh started an unscheduled 9 day hospital stay. Awesome. Boring.
Super boring.
 But better with family.