Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Purple Belt

We've been slacking on the blogging. And the picture taking. School is out and SHV and the kids have been keeping busy with play dates and outside time (when the weather and the mosquitoes allow) while DadKV has been working. A lot.

We did manage to all attend and document Danny's purple belt test last week. He passed and received the coveted belt, as well as a matching trophy. Dude was pretty happy.

Saturday, June 18, 2011

Citizens Bank Park

We took the monkeys for a tour of Citizens Bank Park in Philadelphia.
The view from a luxury box.In the locker room.In the dugout.And on the on-deck circle.It was exhausting.

Saturday, June 4, 2011


It got hot here. Danny got a neighbor to play in the sprinkler.
Leigh was awake, but stayed out of the water.
And Hanako was silly.