It seems that 2 years have passed since DHV's arrival in this world. We're not quite sure how that happened but we spent the entire weekend celebrating it anyway. On Saturday morning we picked up some special friends to celebrate with.

Everyone loves ice cream cake!

DHV couldn't wait to get a taste.

But he did blow out his own candle and was quite proud of himself too.

The next morning he started demanding "gar!" (car) and "ish!" (ice cream) before we even got him out of his crib. He was a happy camper when he found his new matchbox cars waiting for him on his new DHV-sized table and chairs. Unfortunately he'd also developed a nasty runny nose overnight.

Good thing he knows how to wipe it!

The birthday boy spent most of the morning playing with the wooden train set that "Neen" (Janine) gave him. It even has an ambulance, a police car, and a fire truck - nice work Neen!

He did take a break for breakfast with Elmo and Snoopy.

And for a leftover pizza lunch with Dad. (That's right, it was also the Eagles' season opener on Sunday).

After his nap he found Grandma and Grandpa Vining waiting to present him with yet another gift. "Ooooh...."

... it's a DHV-sized ATV!


DKV is wishing we had this picture with the mullet!