DKV and SHV went for a run with DHV in the chariot this morning. Before we left, DHawk insisted on taking his red car with him and stuffed it in his fleece pocket. He ran the last block back to our house, then ran down our backyard hill and fell. The impact jolted the red car out of his fleece. Still on all fours, he picked up the car and started pushing it around the driveway. 100% seamless transition.
And then refused to go inside.

Note the intensity.

And the exhilaration. NASCAR, baby! Our ticket out of this dump!

The only thing that got him moving was the temptation of Naples pizza.
Leigh is getting all kinds of better. "Who's the number one robobaby in this house?!"

Here we practice crawling.

This usually makes her cry. Robobabies have a very muffled cry, so they tend to over-dramatize their facial expressions.

Here she is actually crying but has forgotten to make the face.

Not! This was after we pumped laughing gas into her vent and made her forget the whole thing!