It never took Cousin Kaiya long to get her mitts on Li-Li.
She proved to be a very good helper and would follow Leigh around and keep her out of trouble while SHV and Neen worked on their tans.
Meanwhile, DKV would partake in a friendly game of horseshoes.
Here DHV and Uncle Dana watch and wait at the other end.
DHV wasn't satisfied with just watching, however, and had to get in on the action as well.
When Kaiya got tired of babysitting, Janine took Li-Li for a stroll.
And then "Sandma" and "Sampa" joined the girls for a photo op.
Yes, Leigh got passed around quite a lot. Here she is hanging out with Uncle Dana and Aunt Molly. She was pretty tolerant...
... but eventually decided that she'd had enough.
Finally, the afternoon would end with some good old fashioned digging. Where's Danny?