Sunday, September 9, 2007

One Year Old!

For our loyal readers, here's a glimpse of DHV horsing around with his Grandma. We've got lots of photos, as well, now that our trusty digital camera is back in the game. More updates to come!


Pete said...

Wow. What a relief it is to say that DHV's all right. And one year old. And that he can repel Motoko-san with that fierce Sleestak shriek.

Bring it on, PowerShot.

SHV said...

I must say that you're dating yourself with that last comment. Youngin' that I am, I had to use the google to decipher that Sleestak reference.

Pete said...

It's true that everyone is not, like, forty. However, Sleestak aren't the kind of thing that just go away (ask Will and Holly Marshall!!); and D. Hawk knows this--the similarity is too eerie: