Monday, March 31, 2008

Burping & Learning

This is a special shout out to father-to-be Eric Ricchetti.
It's amazing how developing children pick up language so quickly.


arthur and maggie said...

Cousin Danny = mullet.
Cousin Ida = Planet of the Apes wig.
Cousin Elsie = best hair.

SHV said...

There's been a lot of throwing around of the term "mullet" lately. I believe that technically this word refers to a hairstyle that is short in front and long in the back. DHV's hair, on the other hand, is long all over. I'm just saying is all.

matt said...

the lady does have a point. see, e.g.:

Pete said...

Some think there's a lack of honesty about the mullet question. I mean, has anyone seen D. Hawk's bangs?

Pete said...

Actually, and I'm being family-friendly and loving here, I was just looking carefully at the link Matt sent, and I really have a hard time distinguishing what Hawk is sporting vs. "BMX Mullet," for instance. Someone please help me. And this isn't a critique, because I think his hair is cool. I'm just sayin.

SHV said...

The key to the difference between DHV's hair and the mullet is not so much the bangs (although they are there) as hair on the sides of the head - his hair flows freely there whereas in a mullet that hair is closely shorn and carefully shaped. I'm just saying is all.

Ella said...

wait til we show up in May, clippers in hand. It will be mullets all around after we're through with you all

Ella said...

also, i don't think Ida looks like this: