"Nurse, something doesn't feel right here..."

Earlier this week DKV and SHV slipped out of town for a much needed escape at the beautiful Mayflower Inn. We'd like to thank our generous Trumbull '98 benefactors for this lovely treat. Here we are enjoying the peace and quiet in the spa and the good food and drinks at dinner (yes, that fruity concoction belongs to DKV!)

DHV behaved himself for Janine while we were gone. He waited until today to take a bad fall while attempting to climb into his booster seat unassisted, getting a busted upper lip and a bloody nose in the process.

Fun with stickers fixes everything though!

yay leigh! deep breaths sweetie :D and yay for the spa getaway. i need one of those!
glad to hear things are going well!
so happy to see you all enjoying a much deserved getaway! danny gets cuter every pic i see of him. leigh looks great too! i continue to keep you all in my thoughts.
erin and ollie
Everyone is looking red hot and amply pampered (so to speak), to me. Ida also did a faceplant (and pooped in the tub again); we never thought of stickers as the answer. Keep forging the way, keep battling!
We had our first poop in the tub incident recently. I was not a fan.
She sports that CPAP very well!
Natalie is envying DHV's stickers... :c)
I could use some stickers myself. Happy birthday Leigh!
- Trever
jack says "bulldozer sticker?" too cute. glad things are going so well with leigh!!and a spa getaway! yay for that too!
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