Getting DHV to sit still, near his sister, while LRV does not look surprised or angry, is near impossible. Here LRV practices "indifferent."

We got our shape-shifting helmet one week after the
plaster head incident. It made look Leigh look perma-angry. Maybe it was because it was boring a hole through the skin on the back of her head. Now she's out of the helmet until her skin heals.

DHV helping with dinner.

His favorite part is when the "yed-doh" comes out. "Uuu!"

DHV demanded to assist with snow removal.

"Beeg baaawal!"

Janine multitasking.

DHV will only drink from our small bottles. Or, in his langauge, "bye-bye beeg baba, hi babee baba." So LRV is stuck with the beeg bottles.

December 5th is Nicolaustag in Germany; you put your boots outside overnight and St. Nikolaus fills them with goodies, like chocolate and tiny bears.

DHV seems to like his sister . . .

. . . so much that he tried to smother her!

Relaxing after everyone (ie, DHV and LRV) has gone to sleep.