Loading the van up on the way to "Baby Ee's abba."

LRV checking out her room on 7 West.

Janine and Baby Leigh watching for Mommy and Danny.

SHV and DHV bringing in a load of toys for Baby LiLi. DHV is not helping much here.

DHV dropping his toys into an abyss.

The ridiculousness of Danny wearing an isolation gown. We found out that Leigh is a virtual biologic weapon of mass destruction, harboring 4 or 5 supergerms.

The Accuweather forecast calls for bronchoscopy Tuesday afternoon, with a chance of decannulation. We could be home Thursday!
Yay Susannah!! I'm so happy and excited for you all! What a long journey this has been for your family and what a precious gift Leigh is :) I hope everything goes perfectly and we are praying that it goes better than anyone even expects! Go Leigh!!!
I am not sure I understand the gowns. what are they for?
Can't wait for the next installment!
Wishing you the best today Leigh!! We're all thinking of you here!
:c) :c) :c)
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