Today, for the first time, ever, we cut our own tree.
Danny's asking me why I am wearing an Eagles hat. Leigh is looking for the way out.

Danny was very happy when we let him handle the saw. "I will carry it." "I want to help." "Let me do it myself!"

Danny, saw.
Leigh, wary.

Countless trips with suitcases lashed to the Grandparent V's station prepared Daddy for this task. He fell back on the old axiom: some knots, good; more knots, better. And next year, bring some bungie cords.

To home, and ornamenting of said tree.

Leigh found some packing paper that made crinkling noises.

Cause and effect.

They became good friend, Leigh and that Amazon brown paper. Like Linus and his blanket.


Only two ornaments were broken in the making of this post. Maybe closer supervision next year.
Yay for Christmas trees. Is this no-hair Danny thing permanent now? Like father like son.
I like Danny's hair. Is there any chance the whole family will adopt this look? It would make you into a real team of warriors.
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