Friday, November 26, 2010

Thanksgiving Part 4

DadKV's old Christmas presents kept on giving this week.
First Danny discovered the Transformers.DHawk lobbied until we let him bring some back to Connecticut.

Today he remembered some talk about Legos. Here he is giving a helicopter pilot an axe. Then he kept demanding more and more "rockets" to arm the chopper.Eventually he converted over to some peaceful outer space/astronaut-type action.

After prying the Legos out of his hands, we hit the Camden Aquarium. Mama and LRV with jellyfish.Danny in the shark tunnel.HMV was youthful.All the youth wore DRV out.


Pete said...

Fantastic, and very strong documentation. That said, it's my feeling that all childV toys of the past were to remain in Haddonsfield?

ERV said...

If he's going to remove transformers from the premises, I hope DHV has at least learned the song to go along with them.

DKV said...

I wasn't aware of any such treaty agreement.

ERV said...

His voice might be too high but he can work on it. "Transformers, more than meets the eye!!!"