Monday, December 19, 2011

Haddonfield Time

Time in Hfield means time with old toys. The Girls exploring the hotel.I like Hanako's aggressive catcher's squat.Lounging with cars.Danny discovered a top. He invented a knock-over knights game."Daddy, will you get me that wooden dreidel?"


Anonymous said...

how does Danny know what a dreidel is? I am about to enroll the girls in a program designed for children with Jewish bood who are ignorant of the traditions

SHV said...

They just need to get into the Guilford public school system, where the dreidel song is a music class staple in December.

Anonymous said...

When will arthur begin to wear his yarmulke out of the house?

Ella said...

A hairdresser recently told me a story about how a man took off his yarmulke for his haircut, and there was a whole nest of lice under it

Anonymous said...

Arthur does not have lice! Take that back.