DHV packed up his toys and parents and got them moved up to New Haven, where lots of floors and rooms were explored. Long straightaways let DHV get up to top speed.

DHV tried to get on the
Internets and use
the Google ; who needs DSL, cable, or dial-up when you can get drool-up?

The flat-rate movers appreciated DHV's laessiz-faire supervising style.

Once the FlatRate boys headed out, MLL and SJM stopped by and just couldn't stop being helpful. Gates were fixed, grills used, and babies were
proofed. Stars and moons briefly aligned for this snapshot; notice the glasses of champagne, Matt and Stacey Jo got engaged! MLL must have finally heeded that ticking noise.

Pancake breakfast is a lot easier when you've got a Connecticut-sized griddle at the ready!

Grandparent Lindy got in some quality New Haven time, and chowed on
Modern Apizza.

DHV had his first swimming lesson. He seemed to like modeling his new trunks more than the water, though.

Grandparents V defied all expectations and made a quick trip up, bearing tamago and boxes of cereal, sort of like a UN relief mission.

DHV helped his parents set up some furniture . . .

. . . but neglected to let on that he had a present for us!
OK that turd is NASTY!
Glad you finally got back on the internets, though.
It is really nasty. Just take it off the internets? I'm surprised blogger hasn't penalized you yet. Because that is really, truly nast.
Blech. How can someone that cute produce such nastiness?
Baby vs. No Baby 2:2
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