Sunday, January 27, 2008

Quiet Times in New Haven

The much bemoaned lack of posting has been a result of 1) DKV's unrelenting work schedule and 2) a lack of exciting events here in CT. But inspired by Aunt MAV's posts, Mommy decided to post some recent pics to satisfy everyone's cravings for more DHV.

Here's the little guy all bundled up and playing in a dusting of snow.

Back inside he pretended this bat was an oboe.

And then rode the horsey for a while.


Pete said...


Nice snowsuit!

Your horse looks like the Shaggy DA!

While I'm at it: Hawk, don't cut your hair! "Business in the front, party in the back," as your Uncle Arthur likes to say.

9/7 forever,


Ella said...

Pretty cute in a snowsuit!

I think DKV should not be allowed to cut his hair until DHV gets a haircut. What does DKV's hair look like, anyway? It's time we found out.

arthur and maggie said...

Hawk, cut the front only. to match your dad's crew cut. but don't touch the back! cuz there's a party going on