Our ever
helpful friends SJM and MLL made the trip over the past weekend for marathon session of blowing loose-fill cellulose into our attic. The visit started off inauspiciously, with an inadvertent activation of the alarm and midnight visit by the New Haven Fire Department. The next morning went well, at least until we tried to actually use the equipment.
"I think I broke it . . ."

"If I stick my head in here I can't hear Stacey making fun of me ."

DKV - "If I twist this maybe we can jump start it!"
MLL - "Maybe we should have unplugged this before I let that guy mess around with my head in here . . . Stacey made me promise to follow directions this weekend."

"I only come on these junkets for the pure comedy."

Matt - "If you got some insulation IN the attic and not ON you, this would go a lot faster."

Soon we had it up and running like a professional operation. Here Stacey shows the XYs how to load the hopper.

Matt watches cellullose get agitated. Exciting stuff.

Any boogeyman who inhabits our attic better have a good dusk mask.

The attic beforehand, prepped and ready.

After, with a foot of dust.

Happiness is a beer, some prematurely grey hair, and a well insulated bottom.

DHV flirts with Stacey by showing off his abs.

Baby tossing is getting hard - but check out that hair.

Trips to New Haven apparently make car washing obligatory - regardless of the ambient temperature.
I wish we would've thought of that project the last time the DHV's were out here in PDX.
those overalls have really inspired a lot of home repair. i'm gonna get me some.
Actually, DKV, I'll personally give you $200 if you fly out here and insulate our attic.
I am so very proud of you - posted within 24 hours! I'm now done crying from all that laughing I just did as I looked through the pictures. Always so much better with the clever captions. You better start planning some really good projects for our next visit.
OK let's get some updated postings on here!!
Yeah, I mean this was really a cool event, but it was weeks ago!
word. this post is stale. one wonders if a warm house has made the v's lethargic.
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