Friday, July 11, 2008

More 4th of July Fun

The whole family took a drive down to Wilton on the 5th for a cookout with the Luce family. It was DHV's first experience at a "kids table" away from the quick hands of Mom and Dad. Caroline was more appropriately dressed for this activity.

DHV wasn't eating fast enough for Caroline's taste so she decided to take over.

After dinner, DHV got a taste of his first smores. He was definitely a fan.

He followed that up with his first sparkler. There was a lot of "more!" and "again!" after this and before we knew it all 3 boxes were gone. Thanks K-dawg!!


Pete said...

A kids table! Brilliant idea. We've got to get that going, here on the west coast. Good, safe sparkler usage, sparkler.

Ella said...

this makes me hungry for smores.

Ella said...

I had to settle for just a marshmallow.

Anonymous said...

Can I have one of those schmores?