Monday, November 3, 2008

DKV's favorites

DHV asked me to take a picture of him.
Afterwards, he likes to check himself out on the camera's display.

Leigh was the only vented kid in the Halloween parade. It's no big deal; you just need
1 (one) au pair to police the older brother.
1 (one) respiratory therapist to push the stroller, pull the oxygen, and carry backup power.
1 (one) child life specialist (dressed like a dalmatian) to carry the portable suction.
1 (one) DHV to carry the vent.
1 (one) SHV to take the picture.
1 (one) considerate nurse who let us join the parade without a functional portable monitor. I don't know who would have carried it, anway.

A lion needs a big stick . . .

to bap Mommy in the head.

Daddy, where is the FIRE?


Pete said...

Nice hair, SHV! I've been waiting for my moment, and now it's here!

Ella said...

Is today the day?