Our visiting physical therapist left a mat for Leigh to crawl on. DHV appropriated it for jumping.
Saturday, March 21, 2009
. . . except more crazy.
It's been a trying couple of weeks here in the Haven. We ran out of breast milk and Crazy II decided she didn't want to drink bottles anymore. Between the need to have her gain weight so that the pulmonologists would let us get her off the ventilator (which means she HAS to eat) and the spectre of developing oral aversions from forcing the bottle (some preemies don't eat cause they don't like to - and you wind up with a 5 year old drinking Ensure all day), we had our hands full every 3 hours. Frustration and Anger filled our house. Before that all happened, we took some pictures.
Our visiting physical therapist left a mat for Leigh to crawl on. DHV appropriated it for jumping.
He makes "ay bee dee zoup" with actual letters. That's the letter Q he's feeding to baby.
Play time. DHV's face reflects great concern that LRV is getting attention.
Tummy time.
Janine and Leigh.

That's a crazy face.
Our visiting physical therapist left a mat for Leigh to crawl on. DHV appropriated it for jumping.
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I feel the picture of Danny performing some sort of bizarre contortionist moves on the chair in the background deserves a comment. What the heck is he doing back there?
Hang in. At least you're saved a goat-obsession.
Stacey, welcome to Crazy Town, USA. there's a lot of,
"Danny, be careful,"
"Danny, no more playing on the cough [ignored]"
"Danny, too close to Leigh!"
Video to follow.
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