It snowed here last Monday. DHV and DKV made snowballs, and snow angels, and shoveled snow . . . and then got in the swing set. That's how you get the nickname,
Crazy I.

LRV has been working on standing. She seems to really enjoy it. Here she looks like she's had a few too many down at Mory's.

Baby Leigh does not like being messed with.

DHV thinks her head is just perfect!

Crazy I tumbles head over heels and Crazy II could not be happier.

Crazy II giving her teething rings the business.
Wowee look at your big girl standing. Little Leigh is showing the world what she is made of bless her.
Katie, Charlie and Morgan (UK)
What a cutie. Love the quality of the pics with the new camera. Very nice.
That sure is a good crabby pants look. Should take her far.
Jowls, yes. We are working on making them even more jowlicious.
And just wait to see the crabby pants look on Danny in the next post.
If Danny is Crazy I and Leigh is Crazy II, exactly who are Dan and Susannah? NOT Crazy I and NOT Crazy II? I'm not so sure.
Pienso que posiblemente es una casa de locos, no? Buenos locos.
Leigh looks great standing there like a big girl.
I can't believe I got removed! I was just so excited!
Okay, that was a joke--one that Ella said DKV wouldn't get, and that he'd get mad. So let me say this to you: "relax. Chill." Which is to say I didn't leave a comment that got deleted.
While I"m here, though, let me say a) I'm really impressed with that snow activity--don't let it slow you and b) that expression Leigh is busting out, and c) we could use more SHV. Who couldn't?
OK you folks talking about the "next post" on 3/12... what are you waiting for? let's have it!
UPDATE PLEASE! I need my fix.
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