This morning D-Hawk was clamoring for a bike ride at 8am. DadKV delayed with a variety of tasks, including a haircut. The Hawk responded by insisting that his hair be cut, too. We've been trying to get him to the barber but he says, "I don't like de barbera any more!" so we took the opportunity.

During (a bit of a cro-magnon look).

Happy, as always.

Cleaned up.
Well.............he's still cute!
Fantastic. This is the only way, in this busy world. All he needs now is the beard.
I predict that this haircut in childhood is going to lead to him looking kind of like YOU in that infamous Yale photo!
Does he need a wintertime wig? I have a blonde one I can send him.
Danny, come live with us where you can sport some long west coast hippy locks.
He looks adorable with the buzz! I love it :)
I'm actually kind of a fan of this new look. I need to see it in person in order to make my final decision.
Did Halloween happen in CT?
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