Tuesday, November 3, 2009


Halloween did indeed happen in Connecticut. Unfortunately, our photo documentation of the event is sorely lacking. Perhaps this is because most adult hands were occupied (pushing a wheelchair or a stroller or leading an excited pirate up and down the neighborhood steps). Or perhaps the light rain played a role in our failure. In any case, here's what we've got:

The crew setting out


Ahoy matey!

Despite the lack of pictures, a good time was had by all. DHV even graced each candy giver with a foreceful "trick or treat" and a quiet "thank you," making us all proud.


Pete said...

I'm relieved.

What is your candy policy?

SHV said...

Our policy is that Danny can have one piece of candy after lunch and one piece after dinner. However, most of the time he loses that privilege due to some act of violence aimed towards his sister so he hasn't actually had a piece in a few days now.

Lindy said...

I would add that there is a low kitchen drawer stuffed with candy. Dad Dan K, who certainly did not do violence against his sisters, gets to have a piece whenever he wants.

Arthur said...

Can I have his candy, then?

Anonymous said...
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Stacey said...

Helllloooooo? Anybody there? Don't you have anything interesting to post here? It's been over a week.

Anonymous said...

Doesn't November happen in New Haven?

HOw is that haircut growing out?

What is Janine doing?