DHV got right into the Thanksgiving spirit and proved to be quite the helper in the making of the mashed potatoes and gravy. Li-li, in the meantime, enjoyed chewing on Grandma V's beads. And both kids put Lindy to work reading stories. A good time (and full belly) was had by all.
It's been pretty low key here in New Haven lately, thus the lack of blog posts. We're getting outside as much as we can before the cold hits. Here's a taste of life in our yard.
Walking on uneven ground Everyone loves a good leaf pile! Chasing bubbles Setting up Home run Jimmy Rollins!
Halloween did indeed happen in Connecticut. Unfortunately, our photo documentation of the event is sorely lacking. Perhaps this is because most adult hands were occupied (pushing a wheelchair or a stroller or leading an excited pirate up and down the neighborhood steps). Or perhaps the light rain played a role in our failure. In any case, here's what we've got:
The crew setting out Moo! Ahoy matey! Despite the lack of pictures, a good time was had by all. DHV even graced each candy giver with a foreceful "trick or treat" and a quiet "thank you," making us all proud.