Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Autumn Fun

It's been pretty low key here in New Haven lately, thus the lack of blog posts. We're getting outside as much as we can before the cold hits. Here's a taste of life in our yard.

Walking on uneven ground

Everyone loves a good leaf pile!

Chasing bubbles

Setting up

Home run Jimmy Rollins!


Unknown said...

They are adorable Susannah!! SO glad to see that everyone is doing well.

Pete said...

So glad to know that you all are actually out there. Leigh looks excellent, and Hawkins is clearly putting some serious mustard on that ball.

zwicker said...

the kids look great! danny looks like a giant and glad to see leigh still has her chubby cheeks! hope you guys are well.

Sam said...

Wow, in that picture of the two of them in the leaves, they really look like brother and sister!

Kathy Days said...

Dan they look so much alike here!
I saw your mom and dad the other day...They were strolling past our house while we were digging up our yard. (don't ask) So sweet!