Monday, May 31, 2010

Settling In

Apologies for the lack of posts. We're having some computer issues and can't upload any new pictures at the moment. But rest assured we're here, settling in as a family of five. Our newest member is opening her eyes more and more. And perfecting many strange expressions.

We do have some video documentation of Crazy I and Crazy II tearing things up. But DadKV returns to work this afternoon so I'm not sure when we can realistically expect for it to be uploaded and posted.

In the meantime, life here goes on. I spend most of my time with this little package.

And everyone else has been very understanding. Here's Leigh, chilling out post-diaper change on the rug, watching some Sesame Street.

And that, folks, is all I can offer until we get our computer issues resolved.


Pete said...

Thanks, SHV. PHenomenal and reassuring. I am happy to see Leigh so blissed-out.

Stacey said...

I want to get my hands on those babies!!! Leigh has the right idea generally.