Then we gathered around the kitchen table for an omelet breakfast with fruit salad and Canadian bacon. Checkout that bumbo.

DHV got so excited for mango and banana that we couldn't get an unblurred photo of him.

Playtime on the floor featured three generations of DVs. DHV was a bit shocked that someone else was messin' with his toys!

We dropped off the old car seat for cousin Ida's trip to the Delaware Valley in June and upgraded to this bigger boy seat; still facing backwards but on a bigger/badder throne. "How u doin'?"

Sunday, SHV's Mother's Day started off about the same - 6am cockledoodledoo followed by eggs, sausage, and fruit salad. We're thinking about having the bumbo surgically removed.

DHV had spent some clandestine arts and crafts time earlier in the week "signing" this card to SHV. We got through it without any crying, but paint and babies don't mix! At least it was water-based.

The family hit Manayunk (that's Mannie-unk for you nonadelphians) and the gauntlet of furniture stores therein. DHV was apprehensive about the paparazzi (ie, that suspicious fellow on the stairs with his tongue out) spotting him so he tried to go incognito with this low hat look.

Hunger, however, soon trumped privacy so he flipped up the brim for some sweet potatoes. "I know it's Mother's Day and all, but the MAW is over here!"

Just as he let his guard down the paparazzi caught him looking like Russell Crowe after a night out. "No pictures, no cameras! Can't a guy eat his sweet taters in peace? Where did my security go? I need more taters in my MAW! Tater woman! Taters! MAW! Now!"

1 comment:
It's like sausage and fruit salad, everywhere! Man, life is good. I wish I was a mother...
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