Here DHV is harkening back to his southern roots (South Carolina and Arkansas) by showing off his poor dentition while kicking back in a Huck Finn outfit and guzzling some soy-based moonshine.

This work-issued cell phone wasn't advertised as being drool proof, but DHV's top-notch lab (his mouth) will soon tell us the verdict.

We walked out to Penn for some errands - the first to photograph this parking sign where Susannah got a ticket at 8:30am. Philadelphia's civil servants in a nutshell.

All that moonshine had a predictable effect on DHV. Some passerbys alerted us to his extreme cranial-thoracic angle.

Then it was over to see Professor Grandpa V. Penn, once home to three Vs (DRV, ERV, and DKV) will soon be left with only the original. We made plans for a Phillies game on Father's Day and headed out . . .

. . . where we ran into Eric Ricchetti by the gym. DHV seems mesmerized by that "Blue Steel"-like pose ETR is striking.

The original "Blue Steel":

Blue steel! Damn, you got game! Unbelievable.
I think those meddlesome passersby are the same ones who told us not to walk Ichi on a leash, "just pick him up" and carry him.
we saw a crazy woman walking her cat today in Rittenhouse Square. It was just lying there while she tried to drag it. We didn't tell her to do anything, though.
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