She quickly tired of his babyish antics and walked (yes, walked!) away. Here's the kind of mess that Mommy V has to look forward to once DHV starts feeding himself. Yikes!

The next morning DHV made himself at home in the lawyer's office, spreading his toys all over the floor, banging them against the wall, and generally wreaking havoc. He also attracted a lot of attention from the office staff. Not much work was getting done there that morning!

After signing a few hundred documents we picked up some sandwiches and had a picnic in our new yard. Check out that swingset! DHV is gonna be rockin' and rollin' once we attach a baby swing to that thing and set up the kiddie pool out there.

DHV is looking a little, well, swarthy compared with baby Caroline. Or was it just the lighting?
I really like how you captured the lawyer and his portrait right behind him.
Looks like a great play structure! Can't wait to get more familiar with the guestroom. Congratulations on the house! You didn't need no starter home!
DHV is a bit swarthy. He got the "I turn dark brown the minute the sun hits me" gene from DKV. The kid has a farmer's tan already (and yes, I do put sunscreen on him).
It was a little surreal talking to someone right in front of their portrait. I thought people waited until the subject died to hang those things.
DHV looks forward to sharing his swingset with his cousins.
Yes, that portrait of the lawyer is eerie. It's also a little strange that you're sitting on velvet thrones. But by far the weirdest thing about that picture is the strange identical twins who DHV is entertaining.
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