DHV had his 9 month doctor's appointment this morning. He weighs in at a whopping 20lbs, 10 oz and is 28 1/3 inches long. That puts him smack in the 50th percentile in both height and weight but his noggin still ranks in the 90th. The boy's got brains! Maybe he'll put them to good use and follow in the footsteps of DKV and ERV one day.
Here he is practicing making a phone call to a consultant:

And then hanging up in disgust:

The rest of the visit was uneventful. The pediatron thought the little guy looked great and reassured Mommy that everything he's doing is perfectly normal. The big news is that we got permission to let DHV try some dairy again so we'll be starting him out with some yogurt later today. This could open up a whole new culinary world for the boy!
Given the head size percentiles we're seeing (on the lower side for Elsie and Ida, 90th for DHV), it might be tempting to suggest that SHV's brainpower is far greater than Arthur's or my own.
Perhaps we can have an adult head-size measurement festival next weekend. My money is on DRV, Jr, to win.
OK that last comment was from me. But this is the first time I've posted as someone else. And it was accidental.
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