Friday, June 15, 2007

The Journey of 1000 Miles

When discussing primitive locomotion, the tertiary axiom is, "The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step."

The secondary axiom is, "You have to crawl before you walk."

DHV demonstrates the primary axiom, "Crawling done in any direction is better than none."

No shoes were harmed in the making of this educational video.


Ella said...

DHV is going to need to get some better butt-vision, or else one of those biking mirrors that attaches to his head. The talking is pretty impressive, though.

Ella said...

I also want to add that, in spite of your second axiom, Lillian LeBlanc (a Rock cousin of Ida's), went straight from rolling to walking. No crawling. Not even backwards.

DKV said...

We're thinking about installing one of those back-up beepers, like construction trucks have.

Also, I don't know who came up with the three axioms but they're more . . . axioms, than laws, I guess, you know, more open to interpretation. So, if Lillian (how many Rockousins are there, anyway, it's hard to know without links to their blogs) wants to walk before she crawls, all the more power to her.

Pete said...

Okay, I've been lost in Nike-land, but have surfaced to witness these amazing feats! Man, that is some serious oldest cousing action. Raising the bar.

8 Rockcousins=7 chicks, one Samson. Sophia, Phoebe, Lillian, Bonnie Kate, Sylvia, Margo, Ida