HusbandKV paid a king's ransom for the privilege of taking his board exams today. He's already bitter about the double handfuls of doubloons he's paid out for three prior rounds of useless, medically irrelevant board exams. All this boarding seems like low-grade torture. In protest, he cut his hair Taxi Driver-style.

In other news, John Destefano was re-elected for the 23rd time, and one of his flunkies put a campaign sign on our yard. The mayor can't get our recycling picked up, but he can get his name on our house.
nice do yo.
If I went to the emergency department and my doctor was hawked out like that, I'd be like "YEAH!" And I can tell that D. Hawk is looking at you like he recognizes that that look is a testament to his name. Hawk=Hawk!
Seriously, I had to notify blogger about "objectionable content."
Will DHV's xmas list be as long as his hair?
that's not a taxi driver cut it's an Elsie cut
let's get an update on here. and i did not write that last comment. it was written by mr. loose razor blade.
Thanks for your support and your vote! I promise we'll try harder to work on your recyclling. That was a lot of cardboard, however! Real proud that you moved to our fair Elm City, by the way.
Ummmmm. I'm concerned. Very concerned. We must visit soon.
Very soon.
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