We woke up on All Saints Day to find a strange black cat in our dining room. Yikes!

We called Encyclopedia Brown in to investigate.
"This panther is actually quite docile. What are you two freaking out about?"

"I have it cornered! Watson, fetch me some cat food. I think Sir Pete is ready for roasting - pumpkin seeds for everyone!"

"I'll snatch a sample of hair for DNA testing. I've been practicing my technique for months on Mommy."

"Let the panther go, Watson; your camera skills are no match for this beast."

It turns out this cat (Julio) belonged to the former owners of our house, and had been staying with his grandparents about a 1/2 mile away. He snuck in when Susannah was taking out some garbage early in the morning. He meowed on our stoop for 2 nights before we captured him and returned him to his proper owners. We got the sense that they were in big trouble.
Next time, I think you could just keep old Julio.
How did you get him home? On a leash?
Step up to the plate and bring Julio home! D. Hawk loves and needs him!
Let's get an update on here! Anything is fine -- state of the wood pile, descriptions of DHV's latest loads, etc.
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