Rosie the Nurse giving a pep talk (there's another one facing down).
Oregonians came on Sunday, and must have brought some good karma with them.
Leigh got started on steroids Saturday and is doing much better on the ventilator. Rumors abound of possibly getting off the vent Wednesday or Thursday.
Even more exciting, Leigh Rutledge pooped twice today! This is really (seriously) great news; this means her intestines are moving things along, which means she can get fed more and more of the powerful breast milk, which means she can get bigger, stronger, and better. Once she gets biggest, and strongest, and biggerest, she can come home. By the transitive property, poop = home.
We're in good spirits here.
Pictures of big brother to provide inspiration.

St. Christopher's medal (courtesy Aunt MAV, Grandad DRV, JR, and MMV) looped over her name tag.

The legend of St. Christopher is he carried an impossibly heavy child across an unfordable stream. While our baby may not be Christ (as the child was), maybe he can carry our impossibly featherweight Leigh through troubled times.
Gentle DHV with cousin Ida.

More pictures of the Oregonians to follow.