Since our last post, Leigh got better and better, until she got worse and worse. A case of NEC (
necrotizing enterocolitis) has her off all breast milk, on multiple antibiotics, and getting daily re-evaluations by the surgeons. If she gets better without surgery, it'll be good. If she needs surgery . . .
She also got a tunneled central line placed by the surgeons, which looks like a harpoon sticking out of her chest. Documentation to follow as she gets better.
Meanwhile, DHV got some new shades,

dominated cross campus again,

welcomed our au pair, Janine, from Germany,

and immediately took a liking to her.

Susannah - you look beautiful :) Purple's a good color for you!
Our fingers are crossed for Leigh to recover fully without surgery.
WElcome Janine!
Looking good, everyone, in all colors!
Leigh! Hope and expect that you are taking after D. Hawk in the toughness dept. Here's an inside report that I received:
"The Hawk fell down while running down the blue stone ramp on cross campus. His head hit with a hollow thud. He cried, then got up and walked around and around and around and refused attention and then was better. It was an awesome display of developing toughness."
Hey Leigh, sweetie, we want you better with these anti-biotics, OK?!
I hope that I can see D.H.V. and the rest of the V-team this coming weekend during reunions. Let me know what your thoughts on that are. I am sleeping on campus, as I think i already mentioned.
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