Loading the Odyssey with children and one Crazy Uncle Pete.

Whatcho lookin at?

Ida and DHV versus Crazy Uncle Pete.

"Going ballistic, Mav."
DHV versus C.U.P and the slide. This appears to be Pete's unchi face.
Danny tweaked his ankle or knee on this run, but walked it off like a trooper.
When DHV wasn't repossessing his toys from Ida or stroking her hair lovingly,
he chauffeured.

Whatcho lookin at?

Ida and DHV versus Crazy Uncle Pete.

"Going ballistic, Mav."

DHV versus C.U.P and the slide. This appears to be Pete's unchi face.

When DHV wasn't repossessing his toys from Ida or stroking her hair lovingly,
he chauffeured.

I can't believe you all are related. Click and they get bigger photos, plus audio clips. Crazy.
I am just a random stranger who fell down a blog hole and found you via Babble.com- your blog is hilarious, your son is adorable, and best wishes to you all, especially your amazing little baby girl.
I don't think the commenter above is talking about Ida's blog. Because when you visit her blog, its like falling into a blog hole to the past. A past where photos don't get bigger and silent film was all the rage.
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