While sister LRV continues to slowly improve in the NICU, DHV is holding his own at home.
Uncle Arthur paid us an
impromptu visit while filming a
new show for MTV! Here he demonstrates how cousins Elsie and Ida play by pushing DHV down a hill.

The family went for a short hike at
Sleeping Giant. Janine just threw her tiny purse over her shoulder and set the pace. Nothing seems to faze her, except German losses in
Euro 2008.

They don´t call it ¨sticky rice¨ for nothing, son.

Phillies pride, muumuu style, on Cross-Campus.

I wasn´t drinking any water!

Thinking about sister LRV; or,
trying to remember where he put his balls.

Lee Vining is a town in California. We appropriated their spirit store for our own T-shirts.
Is that a beer in your son's hands?! LOL... you guys crack me up.
Nice shirt. Will the spelling of Leigh's name be adjustable?
I like the subtle "Hawk vs. Hawk" angle, these days.
That "shants" look Long A is sporting caught on here in PDX in 2004 (now we're wearing pajama bottoms, doof!), but in Brooklyn it still flies.
Way to go, Janine!
Get that kid ready for some women's table sliding!
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