That's the world's tiniest paci sitting by Leigh's head. Hopefully now that the tube is out she'll enjoy it even more. She can also make noise when she cries now - the nurse has already heard her but SHV will have to wait as LRV was sound asleep during today's visit.

In other news Leigh is a whopping 3 lbs 1 oz now and is on full breast milk feeds. Grow Leigh grow!!
Fantastic, Leigh! I hear there's a fair amount of breast milk waiting for you...
I'm so glad to hear this news. Leigh you are a wonderful miracle. Our family thinks of you all daily.
Love Katie and Charlie x x (UK)
hooraaaay! prayers that the tube stays out and she is breathing on her own in no time. grow leigh grow!
love, the tas
great news! look forward to seeing more pictures of her and her cute little outfits!
Hello? Can you say "margarita"? Op, darn that breastfeeding gig! I'll enjoy one with you whenever you're ready mommy.
I am all teary and so happy for Leigh and for you guys. What a little angel and what a HUGE step!!! Pretty soon you'll be cuddling her without tubes and she will make all the noise you can imagine! I can't wait to see THOSE photos!!! She is BEAUTIFUL - what a princess.
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