The word from Yale Children's is that Leigh's NEC is improving, so we get to hold her again! Cross your fingers that her intestines don't do any backsliding.
Plastic umbilical cord.

Eyes opening!

Happy to get our mitts on her again.

Her fancy new central line.

DHV flying with JS.
I love seeing her eyes open.
beautiful pictures!!! susannah, you look great, danny is super cute. so happy to hear that she is improving. seeing the pic with her eyes open was so heart warming. we are still thinking of leigh, you and the family daily.
erin and ollie
Way down from Argentina, so far but so close, I send best wishes, emotional support and deep love to all of you. I´m certain Leigh thinks "If happy little blue birds fly beyond the rainbow, why then, oh why can´t I!" (from "Over the rainbow", song from the Wizard of Oz) She´s proved to be a stern fighter!
Can´t wait to get her a beautiful argentinian dress!
She's getting pretty cute! Even that line doesn't look so bad. Kind of like a jumprope.
Her eyes look beautiful!! I hope that she improves quickly! I love Danny's expression in the truck too.
look at those beautiful eyes!!
i will keep my fingers crossed that the backsliding has come to an end for leigh and she can get back on that yummy breast milk and fatten up soon!
danny is such a cutie. he looks very loved :)
hope you are all well
aniela and fam
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