Back by popular demand, the LRV update:
- Leigh is now weighing in at a hefty 8 lbs, 6 oz. She's out of preemie clothes and looking good!
- Unfortunately, some of that weight gain must be attributed to the re-introduction of the NG feeding tube. Little Miss wasn't meeting her oral feeding requirements so she's now taking bottles during the day and being tube fed while getting her beauty sleep at night. At least it's working.
- The home vent has officially been ordered and Leigh should be on it by the end of this week. That puts us right on track for a pre-Thanksgiving discharge. We're excited!
And now for some visual documentation:
Lounging in her boppy in some German baby gear and taking meds through a nipple

Trying to pretend she doesn't know she's being photographed

Meeting Janine up close for the first time

"Sure, I take food from strangers, why not?"

DHV and DKV kicking back with some Elmo's World while Leigh eats