Meanwhile, SHV's arms got a workout from the big girl in town.

After leaving Leigh to have her lunch and take her nap we all returned to Forest Road for a little lunch of our own. Of course DHV and Cousin Elsie had to try out the jungle gym first.

And after lunch they did their best to ignore one another while engaging in some parallel play.

Was Leigh freaked out by that sharp wig Maggie is wearing? Elsie looks a little freaked out by that slide! Good to see DHV in pinstripes + dog shirt. Maybe that's the new Wall Street look.
It seems like maybe maggie's new haircut makes her left ear stick out? Or maybe that's a part of the bed. Sorry.
I love reading your blog and catching up. And I love the pictures of Danny and Leigh. You all look well. Take care
Katie, Charlie and Baby x x x (UK)
That photo of Elsie on the slide is a real classic. Pleasure and fear, you just can't beat that combo.
I also want to note that we confirmed the Hawk's gentleness with babies - he was really good with his cousin Theo.
AND, one last comment. That Leigh is not only cute but extremely heavy. By the end of my visit with her, I was sweating from the exertion of holding her and regretted not using the boppy for support.
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