In the midst of our great snowstorm our friends came to visit, bearing good news.
Here's a photo of Matt genuinely smiling. He won't be smiling once Stacey's condition resolves.

Stacey was coping with a serious condition but pulled it together enough to do some practice parenting.
We couldn't resist posting this facial expression.

DHV had poor ole Nick taking that car apart seven different ways.

Here's the son showing his approval of a present for Matt and Stacey's unborn condition.

Mama deer and baby deer looking lost in the snow, outside our window.
Princess of Rolls showing off a helmet-less head and Michelin-like winter insulation.
Congrats to Matt and Stacey! Congrats to the mommy deer!
Congrats to DKV and SHV on two great kids!!!!!!!!
i think Leigh might have more rolls than Theo and comes close to Elsie about whom DKV commented, "holy rolls"
Wow! Congratulations, Matt and Stacey! Imagine, one of my squires having a young 'un! Children having children, I'm all for it!
Matt, before the baby comes, I'm wondering if you can come out to Portland and a) finish our basement ceiling, b) insulate our external walls, and c) (if you have time) erect a rolling wall in the basement. Thanks.
And congrats, Lindy, on the grandkids!
Leigh looks adorable with all those rolls!!
Tessa V.
Okay, Janine, How do ya like me know?
I'm sorry, Janine. Even if it was pass interference on that last play, I am a big enough man to take responsibility. I just didn't get the job done. That wily Kurt Warner, I don't like him. But if you come down to Philly, you can hang with me, the twins and my old lady at the crib. Auf Weidersehen! Don
We're going to deliver a poodle to your house if you don't show us more pictures of Leigh.
how about some photos of the household mourning the Ealge loss. so close....
Is an ealge a flightless bird native to Oregon?
Arthur's spelling is really bad because he suffers from dyslexia. I try to subtly spell-check all of his writings, but occasionally he gets one by me.
So, how about some pics of the East Coast Vinings reacting to the game?
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