Here in New Haven husbandKV is back at work, like the rest of the world, so our photograph pace has slowed proportionately.
DHV had some minor trauma and had to go the ER for stitches. Taking them out was a lot of fun for everyone. We learned that there is no known restraint method for the lower lip; it moves continuously, especially during high intensity screaming and blood-curdling cries associated with coughing and gagging.

DHV has not been excited about going outside recently, but the mention of sledding got him excited. We also made another "beeg ball."

And here's LRV trying to tear Cow a new earhole.

I've been waiting for some stitch documentation, thanks! That's very similar to the place i had stitches. Did the teeth go through the lip completely?
Ella is asking this because she's wondering if it was as cool an injury as the one she suffered playing field hockey; she's hoping it wasn't quite as serious (or cool), and at the same time maybe he'll have a nice little scar like Aunt Ella does...
what happened?
Yeah, what happened?
Take one part active 2 year old, add one part kitchen stool, mix with gravity. You get a "beeg bop," aka "beeg uh-oh."
No teeth through the lip. He still got antibiotics from those stupid ER docs, and got diarrhea once dose later.
Make your kids get adsorbable sutures. Demand it.
I heard that if the Yale field hockey team would reimburse Ella for all of her pain and suffering related to that lip injury, she might repond civilly to those plaintive "dear alumna give us money" letters from current frosh field hockey players.
I will certainly request "adsorbable sutures" when the time comes.
A little late on the draw for these comments, but... can't you stitch from home? Why does the son of an ER doctor go to the ER for such a minor matter?
Because he doesn't want to be the bad guy.
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