Monday, January 26, 2009

Yeamaa and Yeampa

Yeamaa and Yeampa drove up from New Jersey after canceling their trip 5 or 6 weekends in a row due to illness. Danny made it worth the wait.

Danny invented a game called "throw the Snoopy pillow downstairs."
Naptime for young and old.
What's in the recycling truck?
This is a favorite of mine.
Leigh [thinking]: Of all the stuffed animals, they set this smart-ass cow in front of me.
Cow: I'm sitting up on my own.
Leigh [thinking]: Good for you.
Cow: I can talk.
Leigh [thinking]: All you can say is "mooo."
Cow: Can you talk?
Leigh [thinking]: One of these days, cow . . .
Story time with Neen.
Are You My Mother?
The Cat in the Hat


Pete said...

Way to go, Neen! Everyone looks great, and it's nice to see Yeampa on the scene.

Anonymous said...

I can't believe I've missed so much! Leigh has such a beautiful smile. Did we doubt that she would though? On the toddler front - lots of screaming and running here as well.