Thursday, June 11, 2009

The Waiting Place

From one of Danny's favorite books, Oh the Places You'll Go "with Fame!"

You can get so confused
that you'll start in to race
down long wiggled roads at a break-necking pace
and grind on for miles across weirdish wild space,
head, I fear, toward a most useless place.
The Waiting Place.

We are all just waiting for some other baby to leave the respiratory unit at Yale-New Haven so Leigh can go in and we can get this show on the road. A week or two or three more.

In the meantime, here's a video of Leigh cruising on our couch, with Danny driving his car over what he affectionately calls "this bump."


Maureen said...

Wow! GO LEIGH!! Awesome!! Her eyes and nose look a lot like Danny's to me.

Ella said...

I'm a little concerned about the motivational technique of "move it just when you almost have it." It reminds me of Dad's swimming lessons, which as I recall made DKV furious and kept him out of pools until college, or am I misremembering?

Lindy said...

I feel exactly like Ella does, and I did NOT have those swimming lessons. I know she to be coached and motivated, but I feel so bad for her when the toy is moved.

I hope she gets extra hugs and kisses for her efforts.

She is doing great though.

My fingers are crossed for a hospital bed to open up SOON!

Stacey said...

Great video. Matt and I were also curious about the motivation techniques being deployed here.

DKV said...

Having read enough comments from know-it-alls-from-afar, I must sally forth from my lair to explain.

1. Leigh won't move at all for something more than a few inches out of reach, no matter how desirable.
2. Cruising the whole length without stopping builds her muscle memory better.
3. I'll be damned if she doesn't move down the whole couch. Might as well go to a JUCO for a career in sanitation management.

s.a. said...

I love how Danny views his sister's hand as a mere obstacle for his vehicle adventures.
That is some impressive cruising. She is remarkable.