Today was Danny's first day of preschool.
It started off around 0430am, with a bout of coughing that woke him up. He never went back to sleep.
He was in good spirits, wearing his backpack . . .

. . . and striding to school.

He wanted to grow some monkey arms and get to some high-up parent pockets.

The gathering storm!

First he painted.

Then he wrote a story with DaDKV.

Then he washed his hands for 10 minutes. The low sink was a real hit.

Then he played nicely at the water table.

We made our move to leave. He ran over to give Mommy one more hug and slipped, hitting his head on the floor. Crying ensued, so Mommy read him a story.

Then we left, expecting a call, "You better get back here right away, he's going thermonuclear!" but it never came. We hung out at Yale and headed back for the pickup. Here's SHV at noon, lined up with the other parents.

The doors opened and - total meltdown!

Poor guy had a so-so day. Separation + toilet training is no fun. We cheered him up with some Brueger's Bagels and he seems excited for his next day (Tuesday). Susannah is going to stay that day to help ease the transition. Oh boy.
the first day is the hardest, for all parties involved. each day gets exponentially easier. congrats for getting through it! and let me know if you have any toilet training tips.
Poor little guy. That is some sad face!
He will be fine.....eventually.
This is, from what I've heard, a great improvement from DadKV's first day at school. Go, Hawkins!
(And, for the record, I did not make any comments--yet--that got deleted by the admin)
That was me - the deletions_ just computer incompetence.
Tomorrow's another day, Hawkins! Go get em, 9/7er.
And aren't you glad someone's there to capture your meltdowns on film?
1. Second grade was my problem.
2. I take pictures because no one wants to be comforted by me. Besides, there's a great picture of one of the sisters wailing after falling down while rollerskating in Charlottesville.
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